by | Jun 23, 2019 | News
The Supported Loving network has produced a series of guides to help support people with learning disabilities with issues around sex and relationships. Resources include: Writing a sex and relationships policy Contraception and sexual health Pornography Supporting...
by | Apr 3, 2019 | News
Feel alone? Need to get a bit of down to earth advice or some practical tips on sex, relationships and flirting? Visit The Love Lounge and ask a question of their resident love “non-expert experts”! The Love Lounge is a project by the UK-based nonprofit...
by | Mar 18, 2019 | News
…is a great Australian website for young people with autism who are just finishing high school. There are articles on conversation skills, advocacy, health, managing your own home, and employment. They also have some great practical tips on dating, sex, and...