by | Nov 29, 2018 | News
This January, Vancouverites will get the opportunity to both revel in and witness the beautiful intricacies of how love, sex, and intimacy play a role in the lives of real individuals affected by Cerebral Palsy. This is the Point will play in the 2019 Push Festival at...
by | Nov 6, 2018 | News
Longtime disability and sexuality activist Dave Hingsburger recently addressed a captive audience in Glasgow, Scotland. When asked why romantic and sexual relationships are still so taboo in this population, he responded: ‘If we acknowledge that people with cognitive...
by | Nov 5, 2018 | News
Young people with disabilities have the same sexual and reproductive health needs and rights as their peers without disabilities. Yet, too often, stigma and misconceptions about disability – along with a lack of accessible health services, limited personal autonomy,...
by | Jun 7, 2018 | News
Does this sound familiar? Two people receiving support have been in a romantic relationship for many years. The relationship consists of weekly daytime meetings to go bowling or have a cup of coffee, with staff chaperoning. In this blog post on the Supported Loving...