A Love Story

A Love Story

Chloe was born with Down syndrome and her husband, Jason, is autistic. Jason believes Chloe is the most beautiful woman on earth and is excited to grow old with her.
Australian Website With Dating Tips for Folks With Autism

Australian Website With Dating Tips for Folks With Autism

…is a great Australian website for young people with autism who are just finishing high school. There are articles on conversation skills, advocacy, health, managing your own home, and employment. They also have some great practical tips on dating, sex, and...
Sexual Autonomy vs. Safety in UK Court Case

Sexual Autonomy vs. Safety in UK Court Case

Manchester UK City Council is facing criticism because care workers are “allowing” a woman with autism to have sex. (It’s extramarital sex, it poses potential safety risks to her, and it’s unclear whether she understands those risks.) What do...